Joining LALSRM
Are you interested in joining Los Angeles Live Steamers Railroad Museum? We are 200+ local volunteers in addition to 80+ members living throughout the United States and abroad. We operate live steam engines, as well as diesel and electric trains ranging in size from 1″ Scale (1:32) to 1.5″ scale.
We do everything that a full size railroad does; laying track, maintaining signals, transporting passengers on our 1/8 and 1/5 scale cars, etc. If you ever dreamed of working on a railroad for fun, this is the place. We ask applicants for a fee along with $100 yearly dues and a commitment of your time.
If you are still interested, visit us and see for yourself! At our station, ask the stationmaster to speak to a New Member Adviser. They will be able to answer your questions and start the process of joining.
Please E-Mail for more information.